Everything Beautiful Began After took me by surprise. It begins with a little girl playing in the "wild end of the garden". She's thinking about how she came to be, and realizing there was life before her, she decides she again wants to hear the story about how her parents met.
I thought I had an idea of the story this book would tell, but I was taken down a completely different path.
Rebecca is a beautiful, young, former French stewardess turned aspiring artist.
George is an American, with a bit of a drinking problem, who grew up in boarding schools and Ivy League colleges.
Henry is a British archeologist who has been trying to find a way to live with a single, tragic moment from his childhood.
They all find themselves in Athens one summer where three chance meetings forge friendships that will shape the rest of their lives. When a catastrophe hits, their lives and relationships are changed forever.
It's intriguing, heartbreaking, and hopeful. July 5th. Buy it. You won't be sorry.
Advance copy provided by publisher for review.