More than anything, Lois and Chris just want to get settled and enjoy their married life together. Unfortunately, they're going to have to wait a little longer before the word "calm" can even begin to describe their life together.
The town of Green is still recovering from a tornado that nearly wiped out the whole town, when the state of Louisiana decides to close Green's schools due to poor academic performance and the shrinking population.
Everyone knows that without a school, the town will cease to exist. They are all willing to fight to keep their local school, and they look to Lois and Chris to lead the way. Between fighting for the school, restoring an old house, and comforting her husband after a freak accident, Lois is just trying to keep her head above water in Rally Round Green.
When I started the 4th installment of the Green series, I really wasn't sure where the story would take me. Louis had bought the paper, fought to keep it, got married, and helped rebuild the town after a tornado. The school story line was a pleasant surprise. I love the continued stories of faith, compassion, and forgiveness.
Given the way Rally Round Green ended, I think I may know what one of the next story lines in Lois' life will be, and I. can't. wait.
Rally Round Green is scheduled to hit stores on November 1, 2011. Read it. Until then, spend a little time reading the first three books in the series: Gone to Green, Goodness Gracious Green, and The Glory of Green.
Copy provided by publisher for review.

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